Nika Pinter


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Nika Pinter is a scholar at the Royal College of Music studying flute with Gitte
Marcusson and Emer McDonough.

Nika started her musical education at the age of 6 at Music School Rogaška Slatina and later attended Conservatoire for Music and Ballet in Maribor, Slovenia where she was studying with Valerija Kamplet.

Nika is a multi-award winning international musician achieving Gold Prize in the Slovenian Music Competition for Youth.

Nika is a soloist and has performed in
masterclasses with world-renowned flautists Andrea Oliva, Karl-Heinz Schütz, Janos Balint amongst many others.

She was chosen to be a part of the Symphonic Orchestra of Conservatoire Maribor and has recorded performances at Abbey Road Studios in London.

She is frequently playing with RCM Symphony, Philcharmonic and Opera Orchestra and is part of a flute and guitar duo Piazzolla.