
There is more to learning an instrument than just taking lessons, and one of the best things about being a musician is being able to make music with other people. We really encourage students and parents to see ensemble playing as an integral part to learning an instrument, as it builds so many important musical (and non-musical!) skills, as well as being a lot of fun.

Have an idea for an ensemble we don’t run yet? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch at admin@pelican-music.co.uk!

What we offer

SATURDAY Strings - Complete Beginner to Grade 2 standard

Make music with new friends right from day one! Saturday Strings is a fun ensemble for any students learning violin, viola or cello. It is an exciting opportunity for students to gain their first ensemble experience, learn new repertoire, and build on the skills they are learning in their 1:1 lessons. You will instinctively learn to listen to others, follow a conductor and work together with your colleagues to create music.

Saturday 09.30am - 10:30am £11 per session

chamber music - by invitation

Chamber music refers to music played or sung by small groups of musicians (2-9 players) without a conductor.

Playing chamber music is one of greatest pleasures for any musician. We invite students of similar standards and ages to join duos, trios, quartets and more. These are coached by our wonderful Pelican teachers, and usually take place in school. If you are interested in becoming part of a chamber group please ask your teacher or get in touch for more details.

£14 per session